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What makes up your perfect job?

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The media will proclaim that you are even lucky to HAVE a job, so to think about what would be even better is a luxury you can ill afford. But to me a life spent in a job you hate is not really a life at all, and I would rather a bit of naval gazing followed by some action to get you into a role that fits more with your drivers, what you care about and what you deem meaningful.

You are more than your job title

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Identity isn’t something bestowed on you from your employer, your family or your friends. It’s what you choose to identify with.

I know then I forget

I’d like to banish this myth that we find our thing, our passion, our path, our purpose and then hallelujah life is easy. There are blissful days of lollipops and rainbows but there are also days of pure fogginess. I know, then I forget and then I remember again.

The opposite of venture capitalism

Whatever the opposite of a venture capitalist is, I want to be that.
Yesterday through a random conversation the idea of being a venture humanist was put to me, and that sparked a real interest, but the words aren’t quite right….