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What does less look like?

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Am I after ultra-minimalism or just a clear desk for a few days? I’m not sure where I will end up but I know I need to start. It’s time to simplify, reduce and let go.

While you are waiting

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Life is what happens when you are waiting. Don’t put your life on hold while you get enough money, get the experience or develop the skills to live the life you want. Embrace this moment , right here, right now.

If not now, then when?

There will always be a reason, an excuse as to why NOW isn’t right. You will always have too much or not enough of something. So rather than waiting for the perfect time, why not make a choice today?

The myth of the overnight success

It won’t happen overnight but it will happen. Overnight successes are NEVER overnight successes. The work they put into their art, their craft, their project, their business goes on WAY before they were suddenly deemed by others to be successful. What are you willing to put your time, effort and love into, no matter whether success is immediately forthcoming or not?

Step away from the uncertainty

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Sitting in the fogginess of your mind, not sure what you want or what next step to take can feel overwhelming. But use these 6 principles and get ready to move from uncertainty to clarity.

Is your itch being scratched?

Where do you get lost in the stories of others? Where does your attention and focus go when you start to question what you really want from life? It may well point to an unnoticed itch that is in need of a BIG scratch.

What makes up your perfect job?

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The media will proclaim that you are even lucky to HAVE a job, so to think about what would be even better is a luxury you can ill afford. But to me a life spent in a job you hate is not really a life at all, and I would rather a bit of naval gazing followed by some action to get you into a role that fits more with your drivers, what you care about and what you deem meaningful.

You are more than your job title

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Identity isn’t something bestowed on you from your employer, your family or your friends. It’s what you choose to identify with.

Bringing my conductor back to life

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Our strengths, our values, our love of work can show up in all sorts of different ways at different times in our lives. The journey through life and through work isn’t necessarily a linear one and we need to think about careers and work differently.