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What does less look like?

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Each time I feel a little bit lost or stuck I sit with a blank piece of paper, a cup of tea and just write what comes to me. Yet often with these questions in mind:

What is important to me right now?
What is the next step?
What needs to change?

Through three weeks of lowered energy and a hacking cough and then a couple of weeks of nursing a bruised body after falling off my bike, the answer has been consistent, loud and clear.


Let go.


Then yesterday as I was searching for some important bits of paper I just felt overwhelmed by all of our STUFF. Now, don’t get me wrong, we are in no way hoarders. We regularly pack up all our possessions into a storage unit and go travelling for extended periods of time so we don’t actually have endless possessions. But it currently feels like more than I need or what.

I am being called to have more SPACE.


More room. More time. More blank pages and blank spaces in my diary.
Less possessions. Less paperwork. Less obligations. Less responsibility.




As I’ve been telling people about my need for space it seems many others are feeling the same need to clear stuff from their life. Shedding ideas that no longer serve them. Obligations that no longer light them up. People that no longer support them. Responsibilities that feel heavy. Possessions that don’t bring them joy.


So it feels like time to have less, although I’m not sure what less looks like. Is it a few extra nights free in my diary or whole months of not knowing what I will be doing? Is it clearing a few items from my wardrobe or removing all excess and living from a backpack for a while? Is it ultra-minimalism or just a clear desk for a few days?

I’m not sure where I will end up but I know I need to start. And with that, it’s away on our bikes for a week with only the bare necessities with us. That feels like a perfect place to start.


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