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What do YOU want?

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Sometimes characters in a movie can say something much better than I can.
What do YOU want? What do you WANT?

Lessons from Mother India

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BE HERE NOW. Those were the first words I wrote in my diary on landing in India and they sum up the lessons from my amazing experience in the mountains.

While you are waiting

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Life is what happens when you are waiting. Don’t put your life on hold while you get enough money, get the experience or develop the skills to live the life you want. Embrace this moment , right here, right now.

I know then I forget

I’d like to banish this myth that we find our thing, our passion, our path, our purpose and then hallelujah life is easy. There are blissful days of lollipops and rainbows but there are also days of pure fogginess. I know, then I forget and then I remember again.