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Happiness is . . .

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Happiness is opening the curtains and seeing big snowflakes falling from the sky.
Happiness is waking up each day and deciding how I wish to spend it.
Happiness is a quick cuddle first thing in the morning before we start our day.
Happiness is
being outside on a beautiful blue sky day with the fresh air filling my lungs.
Happiness is having tasty food and good conversation with my partner at a local restaurant.
Happiness is trying something new and laughing at the learning process.
Happiness is connecting with friends and family over Skype.
Happiness is a cup of tea and my book in the sunshine.
Happiness is the small moments of every day that bring a smile to my face.
Happiness is always there for me to access if I choose to see it.

Today is the United Nations International Day of Happiness and I’m celebrating it as a I do every day – by choosing to acknowledge the pieces of joy in my life. 

By choosing to find happiness in my actions and surroundings.

By choosing to be me. By living my bliss.

The past four months have been magical. I’ve been spending time outdoors. I’m surrounded by beautiful mountains. I’ve found ways to play and create and share my ideas. I’ve connected with what is important to me. There have been numerous afternoon naps and cups of tea. Skype calls with inspiring friends around the world. Meditation, skiing, yoga, swimming and walking. Dreaming and planning and so much laughter with my darling partner. Days full of whatever I choose.

Sure I have had down times and days when I question what I am doing but most of the time I seem to be in this amazing feeling of BLISS. Where I just look around me and smile. I sit there and just think:


Bloody hell!

And the more I am aware of the bliss, the bigger it becomes. But you see my bliss isn’t anything BIG or MASSIVE. It is the tiny things. The simple little things that make me who I am.

I have become acutely aware lately that the purpose of life is to live it and enjoy it. And the more I do those two things the more enjoyable and blissful my life becomes. Because my bliss doesn’t have to only take place when I live in the mountains. I can take my bliss with me wherever I go. Because it is with me at all times.

It isn’t something to be DISCOVERED. It is something to be UNCOVERED.
It isn’t something that needs to be SEARCHED for, it is there INSIDE all the time.

It is a choice as to whether you want to feel the bliss or not.

So look around you and appreciate the wonders in your life.

Let go of the worry and questioning. Let go of the constant thinking. Let go of comparison and judgement.

Life is to be enjoyed.

Don’t be so busy worrying about tomorrow that you miss out on the beauty that surrounds you today. Find the happiness, joy and bliss that comes from just being in the moment, living and enjoying it.

I promise you you’ll find acceptance, peace, relaxation, joy, lightness, happiness, a full and open heart, delight and wonder if you allow yourself to be open to the amazing life you are currently living. If you find ways to acknowledge those magical moments that happen every day that bring delight to you and others. So don’t wait for one day a year to share what happiness means to you. Share your joy and delight

Live your bliss.



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