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Change is just a thought away

How many thoughts do we shoot down before we even let them take a gasp of breath? What would happen if we brought these ideas for change to life?

Is it enough?

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Having defined myself for years with the norms of London – Busyness, Action, Purpose – I’m now having to find myself in a new environment. And I ask myself, is living a content life enough?

Happy in the unknown

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There are a lot of unknowns in my life currently and no matter how much I want to plan and lock down options and make it all SAFE, I know life just isn’t like that. You need to embrace and dance in the uncertainty.

Now is not forever

That job you take, that course you begin, that house you buy – they don’t have to be forever. This choice you’re making right now is not binding.
Every decision can be undone or remade. So don’t let fear tell you otherwise.

What is your role in the change?

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Real change comes through real action. Rather than sharing photos of what you wish for in the world, what about enacting the change yourself?