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A year of experiences

As I was putting together the blog of inspiring stories, I started thinking about my own uniqueness. I cherish people. I love experiences. Adventures and travel make me happy. Learning is a lifelong passion. I love to challenge and be challenged in return. And so I decided that…….

in 2013, I am going to undertake 52 new experiences.

That is one new experience a week. I am keen to try out new things, and explore the things that truly make me happy and who I am. This isn’t about setting a challenge for the sake of it. It’s about being conscious how I use my time and making the most of the time I have. Making time for things that bring me joy. Making time to grow and develop. Making time for fresh new ideas. I’m not tied to these 52 experiences in particular, but I hope to have as may of them as I can! And hopefully a lot more to boot at well.

Please do come along for the ride, as I share my insights and journey here on my blog. And feel free to add your ideas for new experiences I could try, or new experiences you are making time for in your life.

4 thoughts on “A year of experiences”

  1. Robyn, this is quite a list! You are an inspiring and creative person and I am going to steal your idea and some of your wish list! Merry Christmas


  2. Pingback: New experiences: it’s not all about the list | Robyn Peel

  3. Pingback: Learning to embrace the tortoise | Robyn Peel

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