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New experiences: it’s not all about the list

So the day of the April Fool marks the passing of three months of the year. And as such, I thought it would be a useful time to let you all know how I am getting on with my 52 new experiences for the year.

Experience list at April 2013

I’ve ticked 10 experiences off the list (now greyed out) and added at least another five non-list experiences to my life.

Just as with gratitude and opportunities, when you start looking for them, you see them. So I am in the habit now of acknowledging and appreciating each new experience I have. Swimming in an outdoor pool on a freezing cold day; having acupuncture; speaking to a room of over 250 people and not peeing my pants; skiing off-piste and loving every minute of it; dressing up for the Rocky Horror Picture Show and wandering through Soho without a care in the world. Each of these small acts have added something to my year (and to me as a person I think). And they are just as worth celebrating as the experiences that managed to make it onto the list in the first place.

As I mentioned when I put the original list up, it’s about being conscious of how I use my time and making the most of the time I have. It’s about finding the time for things that bring me joy, new ideas and a new perspective and it’s not about ticking items off lists.

Yet I have really appreciated and enjoyed having the list. It has allowed me to think about what I might want to do with my weekends. It has meant that I have shared experiences with friends, and in the process shared lots of  laughter and love. It has given me a focus when I needed it.

I look forward to another quarter of experiences – both listed and not!

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