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An awesome life

Last weekend my partner was watching something on YouTube and I wasn’t really watching or listening until the following sentence was uttered: “So I decided this was going to be my year of awesome.” My interest was then all of a sudden piqued!


What a fabulous concept to have.


So I immediately turned to my darling and asked, what would your year of awesome look like? He just looked at me, smiled and said “I’m already living it.”


Indeed he is. And indeed I am.

I feel so blessed that we have created awesome lives that we love. We make time for the things that light us up. The things that push our comfort zones a little. The things that make us feel alive. We prioritise newness over the mundane, experiences over routine, adventure over work.

We do the random little things that make us smile. In the past month I’ve been to a silent disco, had a trapeze lesson, went to Paris for the day with two beautiful friends and cycled for four days with my darling partner through the Netherlands and Belgium. And in less than two weeks I’ll be embarking on 6 weeks of cycling, aiming to get to the northern most part of Europe with my darling partner. For no other reason than it sounds like fun. For no other reason than living a life filled with experiences is what I’m after. For no reason, other than #justbecause.



We are living an awesome life for us. It’s not to prove anything to anyone else. Yet we know that our life impacts on all those around us too – the random people we meet, our friends and family, the random acquaintances who share in our story.

I wish for everyone to experience a year of awesome.

Because then they are likely to create a lifetime of awesome that will have such positive impact on all those around them.


So what is stopping you from claiming a year of awesome for yourself?  A year of pushing your comfort zone? A year of doing things that make you smile? A year of new experiences? A year of just being totally, uniquely you?
Already I can hear the shrieks of yes, but no! That isn’t possible for me. I can’t have that because….. 

Somehow we believe an awesome life to be frivolous. We don’t quite see how us living our best life is actually more than enough. We equate awesome with expensive. We compare and contrast. Yet your awesome year is likely to look NOTHING like mine! It may be about having a sit-down meal with your extended family each Sunday night. It might be about growing all your own vegetables in your back yard. It could include reading every book on your bookshelf. It might be about learning to paint, or salsa dance, or meet new people. It’s YOUR year of awesome and only you will know what that will feel and look like.

So if I can’t entice you into a year of awesome, can I convince you to commit to a week of awesome? Just seven days filled with things you love. Seven days where your main objective is to have a wonderful 24 hours each and every day. It may include:

  • Heading to a local park, river or sea and watch the sun rise
  • Surprising your partner, your friend or your flatmate with a picnic dinner
  • Putting on your favourite music and dancing around your living room one evening – inviting others if you are so inclined
  • Doing something you’ve always wanted to do but have been too scared or ashamed to try – learn to swim, learn to ride a bike, take a salsa lesson, learn the clarinet, learn to sew or knit
  • Make a new recipe from your stack of cookbooks each night
  • Handwrite a thank you letter to someone each day and send it off via snail mail
  • Volunteer at a local charity
  • Get in your car and drive somewhere new and soak up the surroundings
  • Take your camera and photograph everything that brings a smile to your face

Whatever it is, I wish for you to have more AWESOME in your life. More vitality. More joy. More YOU.
Prioritise awesome and let me know how you get on.

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