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An important list

Lately I have been having days of pure magic where I am just so in the moment and loving what is happening. And then I have a day where I question EVERYTHING and wonder what I am doing and where I am heading. I think it’s the roller coaster called life!

But what I have found has helped in those moments of doubts and those hours of questioning is having a list of what is important to me. A list of my core desires in life; the things that centre me; the things that are part of my DNA; the values and foundations that hold me.

When I look at that list I connect again with who I am and the worries just float away. Because that list isn’t affected by what job title I have, or who pays me or where I am living. It isn’t affected by the weather or the way the person in the shop talked to me.

The list brings me back to me.

So what is important to me?

Getting outside – swimming in the sea or lakes, walking in mountains or hills, being amongst trees, cycling through nature

Connecting to other people – hearing their stories, being a listening ear, feeling connected to other human beings, being open and honest, deep conversations that cut through the crap and disccuss what is really going on

Feeling I am of use – using my skills and experiences to help others and make things happen, making a difference through sharing what I have done, learned and experienced

Learning – always trying something new and pushing my boundaries, giving things a go and improving in the process

Fun, enjoyment, laughter  – seeing the lighter side of life and just enjoying the time I have on this planet

Being an inspiration – living my life in a way that is true to me and in turn inspiring others to see what is possible and hopefully live their life too

Simplicity – letting go of how things “should” be and instead connecting to the rhythms of life, the simplicity of nature, the connection with fellow man and looking after the planet in the best way we know how

What is on your important list?

1 thought on “An important list”

  1. Pingback: I know then I forget

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