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The question that changed my life

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When I ask

“When do you feel the most alive and free?”

what comes to mind?

For me it’s traveling.
A backpack on my back, sun in eyes, and no real plan or destination in mind. I am living in the moment, savouring the sights and sounds and food and people of the place I am in. I am spending time outdoors and just “living” and “being”.

So three years ago when my coach asked me “How could I get this feeling of travelling each and every day?”,  my world changed.

I quit my permanent employment and for six months I asked myself that question each morning. I walked down different streets. I hung out in different places. I volunteered for charities. I said “yes” to anything that came my way. I went out of my way to find new adventures and experiences in my day-to-day life rather than waiting until I was travelling to allow myself to feel those feelings. I played and I savoured and I enjoyed.

And today with more regular work again, I still find as many ways to feel like I am traveling as I can. Things like:

  • heading to a new café and people watching and thinking and dreaming
  • going to a new show or museum or tourist destination in my own city
  • getting off at a tube stop I haven’t been to before and looking around
  • walking down different streets to a routine destination
  • looking around me with eyes wide open as though looking at the city for the first time

For me it is about being truly present where I am, and looking for those little delights around every corner. That one question got me in touch with who I am and what I love, and for that I am truly thankful.

So now I ask you,

how can you get the feeling of being alive and free each and every day?

I would love to know what that would look like for you, and how you plan to do something that will take you there today.

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