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No regrets

On Monday it was my birthday and my darling and I were having an early dinner before heading to see Pitch Perfect 2 at the movies (you can tell I’m in the rock and roll stage of my life when this is a *perfect* way to spend my birthday evening!).

I’m not sure how it comes up but I can hear myself say “If I was to die tomorrow I wouldn’t have any regrets.
I go on to add “I mean if I was told I had 2 months to live right now, I would be pretty pissed off…
(“But they’d be two pretty amazing months” my darling interjects)
“Yeah”, I acknowledge, “but I feel that I am doing and living in a way that I am happy with …”

Perhaps not your usual conversation on a date night, birthday night, or any other night, but I love having these conversations with my partner. It keeps us connected with the here and now and allows us to check in to see if we are living in a way that brings us both alive.

And if I was told I had two months to live what would I do?
More travel. Plenty of time with friends and family just hanging out. Lots more laughter. Eating tons of wonderful food. Breathing in the fresh air.

And yet we do this as much as we can now.

Robyn and AndrewPhoto courtesy of the fabulous Leo Williams


I am not holding this up as a “Geez – my life is amazing look at me” story – but geez my life IS amazing!
I am blessed and grateful and would love more people to sit and have conversations with their loved ones about their lives and if they are happy with all they are doing.

If the idea of even starting this conversation with your husband, wife, best friend, parents or children is scary then why not at least start this conversation with yourself?

  • Are you living a life that you love?
  • Do you make time for the things that truly bring you alive?
  • Can you look back over the last year and pick out 10-20 times where you were truly joyous?
  • Each week, do you do something you really care about?
  • If you were to die tomorrow, what would you wish you had done or tried?
  • Is most of your time doing what you “should” be doing rather than what you “want” to be doing?


Life is not about comparison or competition. It’s about doing the best you can in a way that makes you throw your head back with glee as many times as you can.

We’re not on this earth for a long time and no-one really knows when it will be time for us to leave it, so why not enjoy the journey.

2 thoughts on “No regrets”

  1. Happy belated Birthday, Robbie!
    Great post. No regrets for me, not a single one! Love my life, my amazing husband and my incredibly fantastic kids. Love where I live and the things I choose to spend my time doing. Not a single regret. Great way to live x

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