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What are you currently choosing?

With only 8 days left on my visa and no new visa in place, I could choose to be stressed. But that’s not a choice I am making.

Is it enough?

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Having defined myself for years with the norms of London – Busyness, Action, Purpose – I’m now having to find myself in a new environment. And I ask myself, is living a content life enough?

Well hello again!

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I didn’t quite realise how prophetic my last blog would be! After three months of quiet, I’m back, designing my life in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Canada.


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It will be quiet around here for the next few months as I get on my bike and join my partner for cycle-touring adventures.

Is productivity really the answer?

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The opposite of productive doesn’t have to be lazy. What if instead we decided it was content or present or aware or connected. In a world of BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER, HIGHER I’m looking for something different.

What power do your possessions have over you?

As I’ve been sorting through all we own to decide what comes with us on the next phase of our adventures to a new life in Canada I’m reflecting on who am I without my possessions and realising the power I am giving to inanimate objects.

What could be so important?

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How often do we have a phone attached to our ear or in our hand? What is so important that we need to be connected to technology seemingly at all times?

What does less look like?

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Am I after ultra-minimalism or just a clear desk for a few days? I’m not sure where I will end up but I know I need to start. It’s time to simplify, reduce and let go.

No regrets

If you were to die tomorrow would you have any regrets? We’re not on this earth for a long time and no-one really knows when it will be time for us to leave it, so why not enjoy the journey.